Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Big Apple is the old New Orange


Before it became known as New York City, it was called New Amsterdam and New Orange. Say what? Funny how New York is now famously called Big Apple when it was previously called New Orange, huh?

It appears that the territory where New York City now lies was discovered by the Dutch (Not counting the original Indian settlers). The discovery was a result of an attempt by the Dutch to find a short cut to India for the Dutch East India Company. The territory was called New Netherland and its capital was called New Amsterdam. Local trade flourished making it attractive to other European colonial powers, including the English.

In 1664, English frigates invaded the territory, prompting the Dutch to cede power to England and led to the fall of New Amsterdam. Under English rule, the territory was named New York City, after the Duke of York (later King James II), who was the brother of King Charles II.

Not the kind to back down, the Dutch reclaimed power and renamed it New Orange in 1673.

Probably tired of all the squabble and diminishing fund, a treaty was signed and the city was relinquished to the English and was named New York again.

Interesting history for an equally interesting megacity!






[CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details.]





DISCLAIMER: I am not a historian. Travel just opened up my world and  New York's history just happened to get my attention. I do not ensure accuracy of the facts stated herein, so please confer to official publications for a complete historical overview.

Main Source:



  1. thank you so much for post. i like its

  2. Very interesting history! I’ve spent lots of time in New York City. It’s an amazing city that has lots to offer. I love your slide show and photos. Thanks for sharing. I think that it’s time for another trip to New York soon! You have officially inspired me. :)

  3. I miss the sights and sound of New York City too! the photos were taken in 2005 and i hope to see it again soon.

    thank you for your kind words! i'm glad you were inspired.
