Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Visita Iglesia in Iloilo


As the province of Iloilo was considered an important province during the Spanish Colonial Era, beautiful old world architecture can be seen all around. One example is the many Spanish colonial churches found scattered in the province. Almost all towns in the province boast of a Spanish colonial church. Most if not all are restored to their original designs.

If you are in Iloilo during the Semana Santa (Holy Week) or Cuaresma (Lent), go on a Visita Iglesia (church visit) pilgrimage. Visita Iglesia is a tradition practiced by the early Christians where they visit the 7 great basilicas in Rome for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Maundy Thursday. (Source: The Catholic Herald). This practice was passed on by the Spanish Colonizers to the Filipinos.

In recent time, Filipino Catholic faithfuls would visit either 7 (2 stations per church) or 14 churches (1 station per church) to pray the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross).



Here are just some of the churches you can visit when you are in Iloilo:


Southern Iloilo

San Jose
- San Jose Church
- exterior: Byzantine & Neoclassic
- built in 1873


San Jose Church 2010


- Parish of St. Anne
- exterior: Gothic Renaissance
- interior: Gothic & Romanesque
- built in 1831


Molo Church 2010


- Cathedral of Notre Dame du Bougies (Our Lady of Candles)
- exterior: Baroque, Gothic and Neoclassic
- interior: Baroque
- built in 1870


Jaro Cathedral 2010


- St. Joseph Church


St. Joseph Church 2010


Eastern Iloilo

- Parish of our Lady of Peace & Good Voyage
- exterior: neo-classical


Lapaz Church 2010


- Sto. Nino de Arevalo Parish


Arevalo Church 2010


Northern Iloilo

- San Agustin High School Church


San Agustin Church 2010


- Parish of Santa Monica
-  exterior: Byzantine
- finished in 1899


Pavia Church 2010


Sta. Barbara
- Santa Barbara Church and Convent
- exterior: baroque, Renaissance
- built in 1855 and was finished in 1878


Sta. Barabara Church 2010


- San Nicholas de Tolentino Church
-  exterior: Tuscan in style
- built in 1833 and was finished in 1866


Cabatuan Church 2010


- Parish of St. Joseph & Cemetery
- exterior: Neoclassic, byzantine
- interior: Tuscanic and Doric order.
- finished in the late 1800's


Janiuay Church 2010


- Parish of San Nicholas de Tolentino
- exterioir: Tuscan
- interior: Doric
- constructed in 1880 and finished in 1890


Lambunao Church 2010


- Parish of La Immaculada Concepcion
- exterior: Baroque
- built in 1874


Calinog Church 2010





  1. tracesofwanderlustApril 1, 2010 at 7:06 PM

    sis dalhin mo naman ako jan sa jaro =) anyways lapit ka lang ba sa miag-ao?

  2. medyo malayo kmi sa Miag-ao, sis. pero kung punta ka ng Iloilo, will take you there. hehehe

  3. [...] Candle are also located in Iloilo. Most towns in the province have old churches to boast of. Click here to check out all the other [...]

  4. hi, i just want to ask ur permission in uploading ang posting ur nice pix for advrtising iloilo in choose philippines, an abs-cbn new page in facebook and soon to air on tv. pls im askin a big favor..pls lend me ur pix so we can promote iloilo to the world... pls message me in my face book accnt. chino gaspar. pls i need ur reply asap.thanks and Godbless...

  5. I am not the type to bother posting comments on individuals blogs normally however after stumbling across yours I thought I might shoot a little note to give me a break from working. I have most definitely spent a bit of time here browsing and procrastinating! Great stuff here and I'm going to be back again in the future to check out more. Take care!

  6. Reblogged this on wanhandredwan and commented:
    Discover more of Iloilo's historic churches!
