Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kansas' Subtle Beauty


Kansas is not in every tourists usual trail. It's topography is not attractive enough to the mainstream tourists. But when you look close enough, Kansas, has subtle and unexpected natural beauty too.

If you're into open, spacious and flat, sweeping prairie that stretches farther than your eyes can see, it could be for you. Drive across Kansas and you'll understand why Dorothy of The Wizard of Oz wanted to return home to Kansas. Let its abundant blue sky and wide open space take your breath away or as a cowboy would describe, "instead of taking your breath away, give you a chance to catch your breath."






[CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details.]






  1. yes, they are indeed something else. :) thanks!

  2. Have you been to Kansas lately?

    I love the beautiful imagery here..=)

  3. thanks john! the photos here are a mix of my 2009 and 2010 visits there.
